Internet of Things Archives - RealVNC® Remote access software for desktop and mobile Tue, 20 Feb 2024 15:05:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Internet of Things Archives - RealVNC® 32 32 Remote IoT Management: Efficiency From Afar Thu, 03 Aug 2023 06:04:37 +0000 Remote IoT management is essential to optimize the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, which is at the heart of the latest digital revolution. With IoT, users can enhance and control their environments in ways previous generations would never have dreamed of.

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For example, heating can be controlled from phones, fridges can order groceries when they feel empty, and your car can even be driven from your desk.

For businesses across all industries, remote IoT management can drastically improve efficiency and cut costs. But, how do you effectively manage an IoT infrastructure remotely?

In this article, we’ll take you through the basics of remote access and how you can manage your IoT infrastructure through RealVNC’s remote IoT management platform.

Enterprises are increasing their spending on IoT technologies.

What is the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things is a kind of digital ecosystem. By connecting devices through Wi-Fii, Bluetooth, Lora, and more, IoT-enabled devices can access the internet and receive instructions through the wireless ecosystem.

Each device is given its own IP address from which to transmit and receive information. It will also be equipped with various types of sensors and tools to help it collect information and act on orders.

For example, an IoT refrigeration unit may be equipped with temperature sensors. When the temperature rises beyond a certain point, the unit could:

  • Send an alert through the IoT that an engineer is needed
  • Automatically lower its own temperature
  • Send a report of temperature fluctuations

The unit could also have its temperature adjusted remotely using a control device. So, if external temperatures suddenly rise, the owner would not have to dash to the physical unit to set compensatory temperatures on the unit itself. Instead, they could simply turn the unit temperature down from their phone or tablet. 

The IoT offers businesses a way to monitor and manage appliances, units, devices, tools, and so on with ease. For example, rather than having to manually check on units, engineers can quickly pull up diagnostics sent by the unit itself to their management platform. This results in massive savings of both time and money.

That being said, remote devices do still need management, and remote device management is an art in itself. Let’s take a look at what remote device management is, the challenges it brings with it, and how it can be done effectively.

What types of IoT devices can be managed remotely?

Everyone knows about certain IoT devices. Smartwatches, for example, are becoming more common by the day, and everyone has played around with a smart TV at least once in their lives.

But the IoT has potential far beyond domestic goods and everyday wearables. It’s also making waves in multiple industries across the globe and even beyond it.

For example, Telesat Canada (TC) uses the IoT to manage satellites. You can read the details of the case study here, but in short, the IoT allows TC engineers to view satellite status updates and health data from the comfort of their couches. 

This kind of remote and accessible management tech, provided by RealVNC, means that engineers can view satellite diagnostics anywhere – therefore, they don’t have to drive into the office to see critical data, which can make the difference between saving or losing a satellite.

Many industries are taking advantage of what IoT has to offer. For example:

  • Warehouses are fitting forklifts and pallets with IoT sensors for easy location and condition monitoring
  • Agribusinesses use IoT sensors to monitor crop conditions and start/stop irrigation whenever needed
  • Healthcare providers can monitor medical devices, like pacemakers, from afar and send out emergency services if these devices alert

IoT device management: What is it and how do you do it?

IoT remote management is all about monitoring and supporting your remote infrastructure. This involves a number of tasks and processes, including:

  • Monitoring your IoT infrastructure and devices
  • Equipping new devices, sensors, features, etc.
  • Configuring devices
  • Validation
  • Analysis of connected devices

IoT device management is relatively easy to do through remote access software like RealVNC Connect. That being said, there are a few challenges associated with any remote IoT management system.

What are the challenges of managing IoT devices?

Remote management can connect office work with industrial robotics.

Remote infrastructure management is very convenient, but it does have some challenges. Here are some of the main challenges of managing IoT devices:


Any point of access to the internet is a potential security threat. IoT devices link up to your entire digital infrastructure. Depending on how many units are in your IoT network, this could present a lot of potential gateways for attack.

For example, a hacker who gains access to one IoT unit could steal a lot of data relating to the operation and status of your business. In theory, they could also manipulate the network by sending orders to the sensor, perhaps even resulting in the shutdown of the entire system.

Strain on resources

IoT devices must be connected to the internet. That means that they use electricity and take up bandwidth. Further, you will need storage space for all the data that they send and accumulate.

All of this can put a strain on business resources. 

That being said, good IoT management can save resources elsewhere. Therefore, it’s definitely worth doing some calculations and working out where you can save and where you can redirect resources for your IoT network.


Good remote access software like RealVNC Connect, will secure your device with end-to-end encryption. However, without a secure and reliable management platform, IoT devices can present a security risk.

We’ve already spoken about the security challenges of remote device management, but, even when there are no malicious actors involved, IoT management can still present privacy concerns. As IoT devices collect and transmit data, it is possible that private data could be unwittingly broadcast or accessed via the IoT. 

Network reliability

If your operation is reliant on the internet, it is vulnerable to outages and downtime. For example, a power outage that cuts off Wi-Fi could potentially shut down your entire operation, and getting things back online could be complicated.

Without good management, network issues can cause big problems for an operation dependent on an efficient IoT infrastructure.

What are the benefits of an IOT remote management solution?

With a good IoT remote management solution, the challenges we mentioned above become a lot easier to handle.

Even open-source IoT device management software can make a difference, but a sophisticated, dedicated, and professional platform like the one provided by RealVNC, can completely change your remote device management operation. The benefits offered by RealVNC’s RPort and RealVNC Connect software include:

  • Greater convenience. Remote access platforms allow you to monitor and manage your IoT infrastructure and devices from anywhere and any device. 
  • Instant updates. With remote management software, you don’t have to manually make updates on the physical units themselves. Instead, you can instantly update your units from afar as soon as updates become available.
  • Enhanced security. A dedicated platform like RealVNC prioritizes security and privacy. End-to-end encryption, top-end security features, and regular updates help keep your IoT network totally private and secure.
  • Real-time alerts. Remote management solutions will alert you immediately whenever there is an issue with any element of your IoT infrastructure. This enables you to get on top of any issues before they cause problems for your operation.
  • Greater efficiency. Remote device management solutions give you deep and detailed insights into your network performance. The opportunity to update, operate, and utilize your devices from anywhere at any time is also an easy way to improve efficiency.
  • Scalability. With a good remote device management platform, you can add or remove devices as you need, allowing your network to scale and grow with ease.
  • Improved performance. All of these benefits combined make for a slick, well-managed, and efficient system, which naturally leads to improved performance.

All in all, the right remote IoT management solution can eliminate the challenges of IoT management while enhancing its benefits. 

Enjoy remote IoT management with robust remote access software

Three photos showing different elements of industry that can be joined with remote IoT management.

RealVNC provides secure remote management to successful companies worldwide. With RealVNC software, you can easily and securely manage your IoT infrastructure and reap all of the rewards the IoT has to offer without any of the drawbacks.

If you are interested in secure, efficient, and profitable remote device management, RealVNC Connect offers a 14-day free trial?


What should I look for in a remote access solution?

The best remote access solutions have these key features:

  • Great security
  • Reliable performance
  • Real-time issue alerts
  • Intuitive interface
  • Multi-device capability
  • Easy file transfer
  • Easy sharing
  • Great customer support

Is remote IoT management secure?

IoT security should be a concern for any savvy business. Anything that connects to your network is a potential gateway for cybercriminals, so, it’s really important to pick a remote device management solution that prioritizes security.

With RealVNC software, you can be sure that your network will be as private, secure, and protected as possible now and in the future. With high-end cybersecurity measures and regular updates, RealVNC takes the worry out of IoT security.

The post Remote IoT Management: Efficiency From Afar appeared first on RealVNC®.

How the IoT is changing the world with the help of remote access Thu, 14 Apr 2022 15:06:55 +0000 The Internet of Things (IoT) has arrived, and in the next decade it will revolutionize the world we live in.

The post How the IoT is changing the world with the help of remote access appeared first on RealVNC®.


This article is updated for April 2022.

What is IoT?

The IoT consists of many devices linked to the internet, returning real-time data for diagnostics, maintenance, and planning. These can be cameras, industrial sensors, home appliances, cars, and many other tools.

However, the proliferation of these devices presents challenges for organizations in areas like maintenance and security. Some of these challenges are logistical. Remote access can help address these problems in many ways, which we’ll discuss in this blog post.

The IoT promises to bring benefits in many areas of commerce and society. For example:

  • Smart buildings—enabling more intelligent energy consumption and optimal facilities planning.
  • Smart agriculturepromoting remote farming and in-situ support.
  • Smart factories—reducing downtime and streamlining interactions between suppliers and customers.
  • Smart business—better tracking of customer flows and greater advertising effectiveness.
  • Smart cities—improved utility and traffic management systems and environmental monitoring.

A remote access solution can help in each of the above scenarios. However, one consideration that affects them is security: your remote access tool could expose your IoT devices to even more risk without secure software and defined procedures.

Around the time we originally wrote this article, the news reported significant hacks, such as those that hit British Airways. Since, online threat actors have grown. In March 2022 alone, several attacks left organizations exposed to vulnerabilities. For example, hackers used a DDoS attack to shut down the National Telecommunications Authority of the Marshall Islands. The attack disrupted internet services on the Islands for over a week. So you can see how much of an effect this would have on networks running IoT devices. Check out our article on the role of remote access in cyberattacks, which details the different types of remote access threats that organizations are susceptible to.

Businesses face major security problems, ranging from external hackers to internal theft and data breaches. Billions of dollars are spent deploying technology to reduce risks every year to overcome these threats. According to Gartner, security and risk management spending will reach $2.6 billion in 2022, 11.2% more than in 2021. This shows how significant security has become for enterprises.

How can IoT & remote access help society?

  • Smart buildings

Buildings equipped with IoT devices promise more innovative data monitoring such as energy consumption, water usage, environmental statistics, and infrastructure failures. With numerous IoT devices installed throughout a building, sometimes in hard-to-reach locations, a reliable remote access solution is essential for monitoring and managing the ‘health’ of the building and its occupants.

The ability to connect remotely to a device from anywhere allows you to monitor what is happening in real-time quickly and resolve any issues. It also allows you to perform maintenance such as software or firmware upgrades without physically accessing the devices.

  • Smart agriculture

IoT devices such as sensors are being used in agriculture to monitor soil moisture and nutrient levels, livestock health, control the irrigation of crops and the application of fertilizer and even remotely operate farm machinery. By using remote access, farmers can regularly retrieve the data about their crops and livestock and use it to make decisions that will increase their yields and their profits.

A reputable remote access solution allows workers to perform many technical duties remotely, like regular system maintenance or controlling machinery. When travel is necessary, remote access is a helpful technology that helps off-site employees to stay connected regardless of their physical location, minimizing disruptions and improving working efficiency.

  • Smart factories

When it comes to maintaining remote computer systems that operate, for example, industrial machinery, you can’t always avoid an on-site service call. However, in some cases, it is much more efficient to perform specific maintenance duties remotely, such as monitoring system status, troubleshooting problems, and upgrading software.

Over the years, we have seen how companies use remote access software to support distributed computer systems and devices to minimize the time spent on the road between locations and reduce any associated service disruption. It is likely to become even more widespread as the number of smart devices in the workplace increases.

The ability to perform maintenance remotely translates to more efficient customer service, lower maintenance costs, and, most importantly, increased production uptime.

  • Smart business

In the modern world of just-in-time delivery, IoT devices embedded throughout the supply chain can allow consignments of goods to be tracked in real-time from supermarket warehouse to shop and from shop to customer, using remote access software. It enables companies to manage all supply chain stages and identify and respond to any problems before affecting the business.

In the retail sector, IoT technology has a role in analyzing real-time sales of goods and monitoring changes and trends to allow a company to respond more flexibly to rapidly changing demand and tight deadlines.

Remote access to IoT data across multiple retail outlets allows you to build a comprehensive picture of retail activity locally, nationally, or even globally. Organizations can also use this information to assess the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Changes in consumer behavior and sales can be potentially traced to specific campaigns, leading to more targeted and effective use of advertising budgets. Data accessed remotely across multiple sites can be used for more accurate long-term planning, improving efficiency in all business areas.

  • Smart cities

The IoT promises to revolutionize life in the modern city with smart utility services using sensors to monitor energy flow across the grid, from the power station to consumers.

Remote devices that can enable these advances include communication infrastructure to monitor substations and transmission equipment. By using remote access software to access these devices, utility companies can fine-tune the performance of the energy grid, prevent outages and help restore power quickly if they happen. They can also allow customers to manage their energy usage, even down to the level of individual networked devices.

Other smart city applications include public safety and traffic management, intelligent lighting, and water treatment services. In the smart city, remote access solutions have a role in monitoring and maintaining all these systems. Having round-the-clock remote access to information from sensors and cameras can help reduce traffic congestion, optimize transport networks, and keep the availability of utilities throughout the city.

And speaking of traffic, remote access also allows employees to work from home regularly, without any loss of productivity. The growing trend for remote working promises to reduce the number of people commuting into towns and cities each day, easing traffic congestion and public transport overcrowding, and reducing pollution.

These are just some of the ways how remote access can work alongside the IoT to allow the monitoring of smart devices. As more and more of these devices become connected to the internet, the ability to manage them remotely will become increasingly important. Choosing a reputable remote access solution is essential to ensure secure and uninterrupted access to these devices and the valuable data that they deliver.

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It’s a smart world; remote access makes it smarter Tue, 17 Sep 2019 16:26:00 +0000 Domestic environments controlled by smart devices promise less waste and more efficiency for consumers.

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In the same way, IoT deployed on an industrial scale promises a myriad of environmental and business benefits.

But the large scale deployment of IoT to control agricultural, urban and industrial landscapes presents unique servicing, management and analytical challenges that need to be answered. Remote access solutions offer the tools to do just this.

3 ways remote access solutions make the smart world smarter

1. Agriculture

From mega-dairies to the massive ranches of America and Australia, the prospect of farming vast tracts of land offers obvious economies of scale to landowners.  At the same time it presents significant physical challenges to overcome.

How, for example, do you look after crops and cattle spread out over hundreds of square miles? How can you best deploy your human resource to solve the problems that are most pressing on the ground?

The promise of IoT in agriculture is being realized fast.

Tracking technology, automation and IoT powered health analysis, feeding, care and milking solutions are all being used to extract the maximum value from different landscapes and the animals farmed within them.

Keenan & Co, a manufacturer of feeder equipment for dairy and beef cows, are already using technology to automate feeding regimes and ensure the optimal mix of nutrients are added to feed as and when required. Reported yield is now up 25% without the need for extra rations.

The need for remote access in these scenarios is evident – machinery that keeps cattle alive and helps landowners monitor and farm in remote landscapes has to be accessed easily and quickly. It is vital for the health and well being of livestock as well as ensuring the productivity of hectare-age is always being monitored and optimized.

2. Smart Cities

According to McKinsey – IoT solutions in buildings and urban landscapes are already boosting the economic development of global cities by more than 5%.

What’s more they are projected to deliver at least $20 trillion in additional economic benefits by 2026. This is being achieved through real time monitoring of water and energy efficiency, the management of the ‘health’ of buildings and whole neighborhoods through an interconnected network of sensors and other devices. The scale of the solutions and the inaccessibility of certain pieces of machinery buried deep in a city’s underworld or buildings’ pipework require remote access to interrogate, maintain and update software without disruption.

The ability to connect remotely to a device allows you to monitor what is happening in real time and resolve any issues quickly. It also allows you to perform maintenance such as software or firmware upgrades without the need to physically access the devices.

3. Smart business and industry

The IoT has facilitated and perfected the ‘Just in Time’ inventory management that is transforming supply chain economics around the world. It contributes to a lean industrial methodology designed to increase efficiency, cut costs and decrease waste by ordering and receiving goods only when they are needed. Tracking consignments across supply chains and triggering ordering workflows are among the tasks that can be achieved with a range of IoT solutionsMaintenance of these dispersed solutions can be better kept up with remote access – ensuring there is no break in the chain at any point.

Remote access is also assisting with the analysis of the success of these IoT strategies. As this recent article suggests there is still a lack of clarity about the precise long term benefits and opportunities presented by industrial IoT.

Remote access to IoT data across multiple retail outlets and within multiple supply chain touch-points can contribute to a more comprehensive picture of retail activity and the movement of goods locally, nationally, or even globally – allowing businesses to plan and project growth more effectively.

Remote access can work alongside the IoT to monitor and manage the tasks and functions that it is designed to carry out. The larger and more complex these tasks and networks are, the more vital it is to have the ability to interrogate and control every part of them.

In some cases, remote access will enable you to continually optimize large scale business efficiencies and performance; in some cases they will be the tools by which you keep whole cities and communities connected, moving and alive.

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Realizing the potential of IIOT in high tech manufacturing Tue, 20 Aug 2019 16:41:00 +0000 The Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) promises to transform companies’ ability to scale, flex and profit, but the truth is that many companies have found it difficult to fully realize its benefits.

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In fact, according to Forbes, 76% of companies reported the failure of their IOT pilots in 2018. The majority of these companies said these initiatives looked good on paper, but turned out to be more complex and problematic when it came to execution. 

Even so, high tech manufacturing remains one of those sectors where the potential is vast. The ASQ reports that 63% of manufacturers believe applying IIOT to products will increase profitability over the next five years. They predict extra investment of $267 billion in the technology by 2020.

It’s easy to see why a factory powered by IIOT promises constantly accessible and easy to maintain production lines, in which ‘Overall Equipment Effectiveness’ and zero equipment downtime are realizable goals. But how can businesses get the most value out of their IIOT solutions and ensure they are a success?

Remote access can be a key part of an IIOT strategy, helping keep distributed manufacturing systems secure, working and sharing data the way they should.

Here are 4 ways Remote Access can support IIOT:

1.One of the major challenges in the IIOT world is keeping devices and machines operational and secure throughout their lifecycles. The ‘connected’ factory, after all, requires a web of functioning devices sending signals to each other to keep everything running. The level of disruption that can happen within these environments when a connection fails can have a knock on effect for other parts of the production line, factory and ultimately, the business. According to Information Technology Intelligence Consulting, 98% of organizations say a single hour of downtime costs over $100,000.

Many experts point to the need to update software as a recurring reason for problems and stoppages within IIOT powered factories, with some engineers reporting that 60% to 70% of machine problems simply required a software upgrade or changes to a few parameters to restart them.

At the same time, the rise of the connected factory also raises the specter of hacking and cyber-crime, something proven to present a serious risk to unprotected production lines.

As Deloitte’s recent report Managing risk in an age of connected production, puts it:

“When supply chains, factories, customers, and operations are connected, the risks posed by cyber-threats become all the greater and potentially farther reaching.”

Companies need to have the tools at their disposal to manage and perform security updates across an entire estate that might stretch around the world.

Remote access solutions are an obvious way to achieve this quickly and efficiently.

2. Remote access tools can also support the IIOT ecosystem by allowing companies to control and calibrate devices and machinery remotely, setting and resetting them by engineers working with tablets and mobile devices on the ground, or without the need to put engineers on the ground at all.

Ongoing system maintenance can be performed quickly and easily from anywhere, and from any device, while allowing issues to be instantly escalated to specialist engineers if necessary without necessitating site visits.

3. While IIOT promises much, sometimes the depth and detail of data that is being transmitted from these devices can be quite limited or specific. With remote access, engineers can take control of connected devices completely, enabling thorough investigation of potential problems, as well as the harvesting and analysis of data which will give you deeper insight into their functioning. All this can support predictive maintenance strategies that can, in turn, ensure uptime is kept to a maximum.

4. The cost of a rip and replace policy to upgrade factories with IIOT hardware is obviously extremely high. But maybe there is no need to rip and replace all, as remote access technology can operate as an IIOT layer in its own right. The right remote access solution could give you the power to monitor existing equipment dispersed around the world from a single central location. This could give you the kind of remote oversight and tight control you need over intricate and costly processes while helping you control costs at the same time.

One thing is certain, IIOT and Industry 4.0 is opening up new and exciting possibilities for manufacturers. Greater flexibility in production line technology will allow for disruption of supply chains and greater opportunity for servicization, as well as making processes more efficient and profitable. Remote access will play an important role in the oversight, maintenance and management of this transformative technology.

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