Customer Satisfaction Archives - RealVNC® Remote access software for desktop and mobile Wed, 24 Jan 2024 14:29:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Customer Satisfaction Archives - RealVNC® 32 32 How RealVNC Connect solved REJI’s software monitoring headache Tue, 23 Jan 2024 10:08:10 +0000 After two failed attempts using well-known remote access solutions, our client REJI used RealVNC Connect to create a system that monitors thousands of retail screens across the country from a single station.

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After two failed attempts using well-known remote access solutions, our client REJI used RealVNC Connect to create a system that monitors thousands of retail screens across the country from a single station.

REJI provides start-to-finish customer experience software for businesses in the Quick Service Restaurant (QSR), Fast Casual, and Convenience industries. From self-ordering kiosks to point of sale (POS) devices to self-checkout, REJI Viewport software provides users with seamless, integrated solutions that are compatible with any existing ecosystem.

In addition to providing software, REJI helps its customers monitor every component of the retail, in-store digital platform. Ensuring the right menus, images, and prices are shown in the right places is essential for a good customer experience.

How REJI identified a gap in the market in the changing convenience store industry

Founded in 2010 as a POS software provider, REJI expanded into self-ordering kiosk software several years later. After spotting a gap in the market, REJI began providing its solutions to the Convenience store industry three years ago.

A growing number of convenience stores have opened food service kitchens inside their existing premises in recent years. In many convenience stores, made-to-order food has replaced alcohol and tobacco sales as the biggest in-store revenue source. While some retailers prefer to open franchises of well-known QSR brands in their stores, launching an own-brand QSR gives the retailer more control and higher margins.

For convenience stores to compete effectively against established QSRs, they need to provide customers with the high-quality self-ordering kiosks they now expect. This is a serious obstacle for convenience stores entering the made-to-order food industry, however. Supporting and maintaining a kiosk fleet that provides a high standard of customer experience is something that even large multinational organizations sometimes struggle to do.

Spotting the growing demand for monitoring self-ordering kiosks in the retail market, REJI founder Bernard Espanola and CEO Frank Yoder designed REJI Viewport, a digital endpoint support and monitoring system that specializes in servicing large deployments of kiosk & digital signage devices.

To monitor a kiosk or menu display effectively, you must see the screen

Sample Viewport live-monitoring environment

The kiosk and menu display screens are the most important components of the retail, in-store digital platform for customer engagement. When these fail, or display incorrect information, it creates aggravation for restaurant operators, and produces a terrible customer experience.

Finding a generic off-the-shelf system to monitor device performance remotely is not difficult, but Frank and Bernard realized that these tools were insufficient for their situation.  Generic monitoring software would only show how much of a device’s CPU was in use, how much hard drive space remains, or when a receipt printer was running low on paper. It could not detect if the breakfast menu was still on display in the afternoon or if a price update had failed. The only foolproof way to ensure that the customers see what they are supposed to see is to monitor what is appearing on screens.

Keeping track of hundreds of customer-facing screens simultaneously is a serious logistical challenge. Verifying each screen at a time is time-consuming and unrealistic when monitoring thousands of kiosks and digital signs. Frank realized that they needed to build a monitoring tool that could scale as the number of devices using self-service software grew, and that they would need a remote access solution with enough speed and flexibility to cope with the demand.

RealVNC Connect: accessing hundreds of remote connections with one click

Most remote access software is designed to access one machine at a time. To monitor multiple customer-facing kiosks and digital signage screens, a support worker must open a portal to each device and then carefully position and size this window on the screen along with all the other open portal windows. When multiple monitors are connected to the support worker’s computer, organizing the portals efficiently across all monitors is also required.

After finding this process a time-consuming headache with two well-known remote access software solutions, the REJI development team tried RealVNC Connect. They quickly realized that RealVNC allowed them to monitor hundreds of screens simultaneously, quickly and easily.

Once the initial remote access connection is established, RealVNC Connect allows users to create a .vnc file extension that acts as a shortcut for that connection. Each time the file is opened, the window showing the kiosk or menu screen resumes the size and screen position from its last use. After creating a simple script, the REJI development team could open hundreds of screen views with a single click, and each view would automatically position itself correctly on the screen.

RealVNC Connect helps REJI Viewport software integrate with any existing system

Soon after switching, the REJI development team discovered a second advantage provided by RealVNC Connect: compatibility with an especially wide range of operating systems.

The REJI Viewport software is designed to integrate and display screens from five different components used in the retail market: the self-ordering kiosk, the POS machine, the digital menu displays, the kitchen display system, and the in-store digital signage.

Because it is compatible with Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and Linux, RealVNC Connect allows REJI to work with a customer’s existing POS, kiosks, digital signage, and digital menu displays. This allows REJI to provide their Viewport service to a wider range of customers.

Thanks to RealVNC Connect, REJI is ready to scale

Using RealVNC Connect, the REJI support team launches hundreds of kiosks and menu screen displays every morning, across a bank of monitors in their command center.

When a customer engages with a kiosk, Viewport automatically moves the window displaying the active screen to the main monitor. The solution then immediately enlarges the window size so the customer interaction can be more easily monitored in real-time. This allows the support team to focus on screens in use, and how the customers are interacting with the customer experience.

The Operations team and the Marketing team also benefit from REJI Viewport’s monitoring functionality.

Viewport displays the physical location of all devices on a global map with zoom functionality. In addition, it provides reports and dashboards containing charts and graphs of all kiosk transactions and activities. These reports and dashboards are organized into company regions, districts, stores, etc.

Already used in hundreds of locations in Texas, Alabama, Illinois, Florida and Mississippi, REJI is expecting the demand for their software to keep pace with the surge in kitchen openings in convenience stores across America. Thanks to RealVNC Connect, REJI’s support provision will be able to scale just as rapidly as the demand for its software.

RealVNC Connect became our go-to solution for remote access after we tried two other well-known remote access solutions. They worked fine, but they lacked the functionality we needed to visually monitor hundreds of remote access connections simultaneously. With RealVNC Connect, REJI Viewport can easily open hundreds of live-monitoring portals with a click of a button. Then Viewport quickly sizes and organizes these portals on multiple monitors. As a customer engages with the kiosk, the now-active portal is then brought to the forefront on the main monitor for a closer look. Once the customer interaction is completed, Viewport returns the portal to its original position on the other monitor.

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The Rise of SaaS – Why Software-as-a-Service is better for everyone Tue, 25 Jun 2019 18:27:00 +0000 Over the past few years, the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) industry has been booming, with many companies moving over to this structure, or beginning with it in the first place.

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 Gartner predicted that “By 2020, all new entrants and 80% of historical vendors will offer subscription-based business models, regardless of where the software resides”.

However, as with all changes, it can be difficult to adjust – especially when a company transitions from the traditional perpetual licensing model over to SaaS. This can lead to an initial revenue drop which might result in a company not making it through the transition, as previous customers rebel against the new model. But are they right to revolt? It comes down to opinion at the end of the day, but there’s many ways in which a SaaS model can be much more beneficial to a user than a one-and-done license.

We’ve put together some examples of the ways in which a SaaS structure can be a positive change for a customer.

Flexibility & cost

Do you take on temporary staff around the festive period to deal with the additional demand for support? Do you only have one or two projects each year that would require the use of a particular software? Then chances are you won’t want to be paying a huge sum of money for a short period of usage. With the traditional licensing model, the upfront cost is often a barrier, particularly for smaller businesses or personal users.

Alternatively, with a SaaS model, you’ll be forking out a much smaller sum as and when you need it, or you’ll have the option to add on extra users for the time you need them, and remove them afterwards. Having the freedom to upgrade or downgrade your services at will is something that just wouldn’t be possible with a perpetual license. Every license must be bought outright, and you can’t go back and return or trade it in once you’re done with it.

On the provider side of things, the consistent and predictable cash flow provided through a subscription service means that they can focus on continuously improving and upgrading the software, along with giving additional support to customers. This benefits the customer in more ways than one, keeping them equipped with a cutting edge up to date product, and supporting them through any trouble they may find with it.

Speed of implementation

With a SaaS product, implementing it across an organization can be very quick and low-stress for all involved. Centralized account management and deployment makes it less complicated for an IT team to install the software for every user, generate credentials, and get it up and running. Add to this the automatic updates provided when connected to the internet, and the product becomes almost self-sufficient.

A traditionally licensed piece of software however has to be manually deployed and maintained, with possible costs to upgrade to the latest version that sometimes equal buying the software all over again.


As we mention all the time, security is paramount in the digital world, with potential threats hiding around every carefully coded corner. Because of this, businesses providing SaaS products take securing their products very seriously – the accessibility of the cloud is great for the busy modern consumer, but it also means that a threat could come from any direction or location.

If security isn’t part of a SaaS company’s DNA, then they won’t survive long. Often, security personnel within SaaS companies are leaders within the security industry, and are absolutely devoted to making sure the product they provide is consistently secure and safe for all users.

Not every company in every industry is able to have a dedicated cyber-security team – while being secure may be important to your organization (and very important to the law), it’s likely that other aspects of the business will take over until there’s a breach and it’s already too late. Making digital security a priority within your business is much easier with the broad choice of providers, transparent track records, and easily visible reputation that goes alongside SaaS companies.

Customization & integration

There are few established businesses without a program they rely on for their needs, with time, money and training already invested into the existing architecture. The likelihood is, that when a new feature or program is needed for the business to continue to grow, integration with current systems will be top of the list when researching which product to use.

SaaS companies know this, and will most likely have experienced them within their own infrastructure, so they’re built to handle it from the ground up. With very specific customizations individual to your company, there might be a bit more work involved, but as for getting different programs to ‘mesh’ together and work seamlessly, SaaS providers are constantly finding more ways to work together for the benefit of their consumers, so there’s an ever-growing list of programs that will co-operate perfectly.

Stay SaaSsy!

The list of reasons to get on board with Software-as-a-Service is getting longer by the day, with most common fears and objections being allayed by a little research. SaaS is one of those changes that is here to stay, and we certainly believe it’s for the better!

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The advantages of direct connectivity in remote access software Thu, 30 Aug 2018 13:25:00 +0000 Direct connectivity in remote access technology is one of the methods employed when connecting a user to a device they want to control.

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Developed more than two decades ago, the process establishes a direct connection between the user and the device.

Direct connections are frequently made within a closed network that has no internet access. They are entirely configurable, enabling you to comply with your network environment or security policies.

Compared to the other main remote access connection method, cloud connectivity, direct has specific advantages, which we’ll outline in this post. The method you opt for will depend on several factors. Your business may have some use cases where direct connection is preferred over cloud and somewhere cloud is better than direct. If that’s the case, it may be wise to find a vendor that offers both, so you aren’t restricted in what you can do.

Closed networks

Direct connectivity does not require an internet connection. It can be used within a closed network such as a LAN. With a direct connection, endpoints never communicate with third-party servers. Instead, the connection is established, and the session maintained, entirely between the device you are using to take control and the remote computer you want to control.

A direct connection provides full control of the route the connection takes, making it ideal for closed networks and security sensitive environments where it is critical to know the exact route of remote access traffic for audit and control purposes.

Better security

Because no third-party servers are involved in a typical direct connection, the opportunity for attack is minimized. When the network is exposed through a remote connection over the internet, there can be a risk of session hijacking or data hacking while the data is in transit.

Within a closed network, remote connections and sessions take place entirely within that network’s security environment. For this reason, direct connections are favored by enterprises and organizations dealing with sensitive data or other security considerations. There is no reason to expose data unnecessarily to potential attack by using a typical remote cloud connection if you don’t have to.

It is possible to make a direct connection across an external network. To do this, however, you must be able to configure every firewall that stands between the two computers. This setup provides precise control over a connection and its route. However, it can be difficult for the average user to accomplish and impossible if the connection has to pass through equipment they don’t control. A typical use case for this approach are remote workers, who need to access the company’s database from home daily.

If your company employs remote workers, or staff that is regularly on the road, cloud connectivity will be a requirement you need to consider. 

Better performance

With a direct connection, transmission isn’t subject to the performance of a cloud service. The connection won’t be affected by internet traffic or service interruptions. Data doesn’t travel in between multiple switches and servers to reach the end user, making the entire experience more seamless. The user experience is better, which can help efficiency and productivity.


While there are distinct advantages with direct over cloud connectivity in remote access software, your requirements and the different ways you will use remote access will determine which connection method is best for your organization.

You may find that the best approach is to seek a solution that offers both connection methods so as not to limit your options, and to avoid the hassle of switching to a different provider in the future if your needs change. The availability of direct and cloud connectivity will allow you to maximize the benefits that remote access offers to deliver value to your business.

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5 ways remote access improves customer satisfaction Wed, 01 Aug 2018 12:27:00 +0000 With the rapid pace of technological advancement customer expectations are evolving.

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These customer expectations now transcend traditional industry borders, with customers expecting levels of personalization, on-demand access and accessibility that match the leaders in customer experience across all their interactions.

Customers are beginning to judge the quality of products and services they receive not only against other companies in the same sector, but also against the best customer service they have experienced elsewhere. B2B solutions are being compared to the online user experience provided by Amazon or the service standard delivered by Uber.

The development of technology makes so much of what we do instant and connected, and this is reflected in customer expectations. 

Customers expect responses and they expect them now, and this trend is affecting both the B2C and B2B worlds. Research by Avanade found the 81% of B2B buyers said that they would choose a supplier that offers a consumer-like experience over an equally priced alternative that does not.

Last year, Forrester found that 74% of respondents believe digital is reinventing the experience they deliver to their customers.

And for businesses to succeed in this environment, they need to be responsive, efficient, accessible, and available – often 24/7.

Remote access can play an important role in meeting these expectations, enabling customer service, support, and delivery teams to respond quickly, efficiently and securely in real-time.

Here are a few reasons why:

Instant hands-on tech support

Of course, many companies recognize the value of 24/7 customer support, and some already provide this through chat bots, AI, live chat, and traditional support channels. Responsiveness is often integral to a business’ customer service strategy.

But even with support technicians instantly available, the experience still can be less than ideal. Talking a customer through a diagnosis over the phone or via online chat often is slow and laborious (especially when there are some end users who don’t understand even what “open your web browser” means).

With remote access software, support agents can get “hands-on”, can take control of the customer’s computer and sort the problem quickly. This can save time and money and avoid frustrated customers (and technicians!).

Business as usual

Extreme weather, natural disasters, transport disruption; scenarios which are all out of your control but can prevent employees getting into the office.

Remote access technology allows workers to access files as if they were in the office.

Likewise, if a team member is ill, they can login remotely to complete a critical project or pass on information so colleagues can continue working in their absence without infecting the entire office. If a presentation or report needs to be finished and sent to a client but the responsible party is unable to get to the office, they can manage it remotely so deadlines are met and clients are happy.

Enhanced security

Businesses that create sensitive or confidential documents for clients like law firms, political strategists or business consultancies, need to pay special attention to security.

One of the biggest risk areas for them is when they deliver documents for review. Despite the sensitive nature of the task, many still rely on email, which leaves the information open to interception or hacking. When they choose travel to the client offices with local copies on laptops, they also get exposed to unnecessary risks, as some have found out.

Instead, businesses should consider using remote access to provide access to critical documents. Clients could review them from their offices, either on their own or together with the firm’s employees. This keeps the documents safe behind the firewall of the organization.

 Enhanced security equals better customer assurance and therefore better customer satisfaction. With good remote access software, data is encrypted throughout the entire session 

Less strain on IT

Reducing travel time and hassle reduces stress and strain on support teams. By using remote access technology, they are left with more time to resolve customer issues promptly and effectively. When they can sit in the relative comfort of the office, they are better able to focus on helping more customers rather than fighting their way back and forth across town to be onsite. A happier, more efficient support service is the result, which is clearly better for clients.

Less intrusive

Some customers don’t want the intrusion of an IT technician onsite. A visit from a support person, no matter how necessary, is viewed as an inconvenience that is getting in the way of their people doing their jobs and disrupting schedules.

Busy clients sometimes simply don’t want you around, and they appreciate it when you can get their problem sorted out of sight and mind.


Remote access can give your business the responsiveness and efficiency that customers are coming to expect. And, as we’ve shown in this post, it can go beyond traditional help desk functions to help your entire organization satisfy and delight your customers.

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