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The VNC Cloud REST API enables you to obtain and manage cloud addresses in order to join devices to VNC Cloud and establish connections between them.

API summary

VNC Cloud API resources can be accessed by making HTTPS requests to their URI. All resource URIs have the following structure:


Resource Method Call this to:
static-address POST Obtain a new cloud address
static-address GET List all cloud addresses
static-address/<cloud-address>/ready GET Check whether a cloud address is ready to use
static-address/<cloud-address> GET Retrieve the details of a cloud address
static-address/<cloud-address> PUT Change the characteristics of a cloud address
static-address/<cloud-address> POST Reset a cloud address password
static-address/<cloud-address> DELETE Delete a cloud address

Note that:

  • All calls to resources are authenticated using your VNC Cloud API key and secret obtained from RealVNC, using the Basic Authentication scheme.
  • Request bodies, where required, are represented by JSON-encoded objects, using the application/json content type.
  • Response bodies, where supplied, are represented by JSON-encoded objects, using the application/json content type.
  • There may be a short delay before a cloud address you’ve obtained or changed is ready to use.

Obtaining a new cloud address

A cloud address must have an action. The listen action allows incoming connections. The connect action allows outgoing connections. Typically, Viewers connect and Servers listen, although you can reverse this methodology if you wish.

A connect cloud address can be a member of up to 16 groups. Bundling connect cloud addresses into groups makes it easier to define which listen cloud addresses they can connect to.

A listen cloud address should explicitly specify the groups or individual connect cloud address that can connect to it. It is permissible to omit an access control list, but note that every connect cloud address obtained using the same VNC Cloud API key will be able to connect. You can nominate up to 24 groups and 8 individual connect cloud addresses.

HTTP request


A JSON-encoded object with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
allowedActions Array of string Mandatory. Specify the action the cloud address performs. The value must be either connect or listen.
groups Array of string Optional (though recommended) for a connect cloud address. Specify a list of up to 16 groups the cloud address is a member of. Group names can be up to 256 UTF-8 characters. If omitted, the cloud address is not a member of any group.
accessControl Array of string Optional (though recommended) for a listen cloud address. Specify the groups parameter in this object with a list of up to 24 groups that can connect. Specify the cloudAddresses parameter in this object with a list of up to 8 individual cloud addresses that can connect. If omitted, every cloud address obtained using the same VNC Cloud API key can connect.
Usage examples

A connect cloud address:

curl https://api.vnc.com/cloud/1.1/static-address
-u <API-key>:<API-secret>
-H "Content-Type:application/json"
-H "Accept:application/json"
-d '{

A listen cloud address:

curl https://api.vnc.com/cloud/1.1/static-address
-u <API-key>:<API-secret>
-H "Content-Type:application/json"
-H "Accept:application/json"
-d '{

HTTP response


A JSON-encoded object with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
cloudAddress string The identifier for the cloud address.
cloudPassword string The password for the cloud address.
Content example

HTTP status codes

A successful call returns 201 Created. An unsuccessful call returns either:

400 Bad Request

Note that particular bad requests additionally return a JSON-encoded object with errorCode set to one of the following codes, and errorMessage set to the associated description:

Code Description
1001 The content type of the request body is something other than application/json.
1002 The content type your user agent is expecting for the response body is something other than application/json.
1003 You’ve specified an action that is not connect or listen.
1004 For a connect cloud address, you’ve specified more than 16 groups. For a listen cloud address, you’ve specified more than 24 groups or 8 individual cloud addresses.
1005 You’ve created either an allowedActions, groups, or cloudAddresses list, but not put anything in it.
1006 A group name is either empty or longer than 256 characters.
1008 You’ve specified an access control list for a listen cloud address, but not put any groups or individual cloud addresses in it.
1009 Either you’ve specified an access control list for a connect cloud address, or a group for a listen cloud address. It should be the other way around.
401 Unauthorized
You’ve either not provided a VNC Cloud API key, or the one you have provided is not in our system.
403 Forbidden
Your VNC Cloud API key is not well-formed.
404 Not Found
503 Service Unavailable

Listing your current cloud addresses

You can list all the cloud addresses you currently have available for use. This does not include cloud addresses previously obtained but deleted.

By default, up to 20 cloud addresses are returned on a page. If you have more than 20, the response has a Link header containing a URI for the next page. If you want to change the number of cloud addresses returned per page, specify the limit query parameter.

Note that if cloud addresses are added or deleted while paging, and a page already-viewed would be affected, you will have to call the API again to see the change. A page yet-to-be-viewed is updated, however.

HTTP request



Note the URI can accept the following query parameter:

Query parameter Description
?limit=<1-99> The number of cloud addresses returned on each page. By default, this is 20. Specify a number between 1 and 99.
Usage example
curl https://api.vnc.com/cloud/1.1/static-address?limit=35
-u <API-key>:<API-secret>
-H "Accept:application/json"

HTTP response

<url>; rel="next"

A JSON-encoded object with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
cloudAddresses Array of string A page containing up to limit cloud addresses.
Content example

HTTP status codes

A successful call returns 200 OK if the current page has cloud addresses, and 204 No Content if you’ve reached the end of the list.

An unsuccessful call returns either:

400 Bad Request

Note that particular bad requests additionally return a JSON-encoded object with errorCode set to one of the following codes, and errorMessage set to the associated description:

Code Description
1002 The content type your user agent is expecting for the response body is something other than application/json.
401 Unauthorized
You’ve either not provided a VNC Cloud API key, or the one you have provided is not in our system.
403 Forbidden
Your VNC Cloud API key is not well-formed.
404 Not Found
503 Service Unavailable

Checking whether a cloud address is ready to use

You may want to do this because there can be a slight delay before a cloud address you’ve obtained, changed or reset is ready to use.

HTTP request

Usage example
curl https://api.vnc.com/cloud/1.1/static-address/ztgDAEjLLP4yHwHrdz9.ztgPXJMFsk1NiEGpbAx.livEXXxXXSrGS1urBF5.FCRPRHbrZPyfmS6Nt4M/ready
-u <API-key>:<API-secret>
-H "Accept:application/json"

HTTP response


A JSON-encoded object with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
changes string The value is none if the cloud address is ready to use, and pending if it is not yet ready.
Content examples

If a cloud address is ready to use:


If a cloud address is not yet ready:


HTTP status codes

A successful call returns 200 OK. An unsuccessful call returns either:

400 Bad Request

Note that particular bad requests additionally return a JSON-encoded object with errorCode set to one of the following codes, and errorMessage set to the associated description:

Code Description
1002 The content type your user agent is expecting for the response body is something other than application/json.
1007 The cloud address you’ve specified in the URI is not well-formed.
401 Unauthorized
You’ve either not provided a VNC Cloud API key, or the one you have provided is not in our system.
403 Forbidden
Your VNC Cloud API key is not well-formed.
404 Not Found
503 Service Unavailable

Retrieving the details of a cloud address

The response includes an ETag header so you can subsequently check before you change, reset or delete the cloud address.

Note the response body does not include the cloud password. You must reset the password and generate a new one if you want to learn what it is.

HTTP request

Usage example
curl https://api.vnc.com/cloud/1.1/static-address/ztgDAEjLLP4yHwHrdz9.ztgPXJMFsk1NiEGpbAx.livEXXxXXSrGS1urBF5.FCRPRHbrZPyfmS6Nt4M
-u <API-key>:<API-secret>
-H "Accept:application/json"

HTTP response


A JSON-encoded object with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
cloudAddress string The identifier for the cloud address.
allowedActions Array of string The action the cloud address performs. The value is either connect or listen.
groups Array of string Optionally returned for a connect cloud address only. Contains a list of groups the cloud address is a member of. If omitted, the cloud address is not a member of any group.
accessControl Object Optionally returned for a listen cloud address only. May contain a groups list with groups that can connect, and/or a cloudAddresses list with individual cloud addresses that can connect. If omitted, every cloud address obtained using the same VNC Cloud API key can connect.
Content examples

A connect cloud address:


A listen cloud address:


HTTP status codes

A successful call returns 200 OK. An unsuccessful call returns either:

400 Bad Request

Note that particular bad requests additionally return a JSON-encoded object with errorCode set to one of the following codes, and errorMessage set to the associated description:

Code Description
1002 The content type your user agent is expecting for the response body is something other than application/json.
1007 The cloud address you’ve specified in the URI is not well-formed.
401 Unauthorized
You’ve either not provided a VNC Cloud API key, or the one you have provided is not in our system.
403 Forbidden
Your VNC Cloud API key is not well-formed.
404 Not Found
503 Service Unavailable

Changing the characteristics of a Cloud address

If you have previously retrieved this cloud address, you can use the If-Match header to make sure it’s not been modified since.

Note you must send a fully-formed cloud address in the request body, including the actual cloud address itself. There is no concept of patching or appending to a cloud address.

HTTP request


A JSON-encoded object with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
cloudAddress string Mandatory. Specify the identifier for the cloud address. This value must match the cloud address in the URI.
allowedActions Array of string Mandatory. Specify the action the cloud address performs. The value must be either connect or listen.
groups Array of string Optional (though recommended) for a connect cloud address. Specify a list of up to 16 groups the cloud address is a member of. Group names can be up to 256 UTF-8 characters. If omitted, the cloud address is not a member of any group.
accessControl Object Optional (though recommended) for a listen cloud address. Specify the groups parameter in this object with a list of up to 24 groups that can connect. Specify the cloudAddresses parameter in this object with a list of up to 8 individual cloud addresses that can connect. If omitted, every cloud address obtained using the same VNC Cloud API key can connect.
Usage examples

A connect cloud address:

curl https://api.vnc.com/cloud/1.1/static-address/ztgDAEjLLP4yHwHrdz9.ztgPXJMFsk1NiEGpbAx.livEXXxXXSrGS1urBF5.FCRPRHbrZPyfmS6Nt4M
-u <API-key>:<API-secret>
-H "Content-Type:application/json"
-H 'If-Match:"<entity-version-number>"'
-d '{

A listen cloud address:

curl https://api.vnc.com/cloud/1.1/static-address/ztgDAEjLLP4yHwHrdz9.ztgPXJMFsk1NiEGpbAx.livEXXxXXSrGS1urBF5.FCRPRHbrZPyfmS6Nt4M
-u <API-key>:<API-secret>
-H "Content-Type:application/json"
-H 'If-Match:"<entity-version-number>"'
-d '{

HTTP response

There is no response body.

HTTP status codes

A successful call returns 200 OK. An unsuccessful call returns either:

400 Bad Request

Note that particular bad requests additionally return a JSON-encoded object with errorCode set to one of the following codes, and errorMessage set to the associated description:

Code Description
1001 The content type of the request body is something other than application/json.
1003 You’ve specified an action that is not connect or listen.
1004 For a connect cloud address, you’ve specified more than 16 groups. For a listen cloud address, you’ve specified more than 24 groups or 8 individual cloud addresses.
1005 You’ve created either an allowedActions, groups, or cloudAddresses list, but not put anything in it.
1006 A group name is either empty or longer than 256 characters.
1007 The cloud address you’ve specified in the URI is not well-formed.
1008 You’ve specified an access control list for a listen cloud address, but not put any groups or individual cloud addresses in it.
1009 Either you’ve specified an access control list for a connect cloud address, or a group for a listen cloud address. It should be the other way around.
401 Unauthorized
You’ve either not provided a VNC Cloud API key, or the one you have provided is not in our system.
403 Forbidden
Your VNC Cloud API key is not well-formed.
404 Not Found
409 Conflict
The cloudAddress you’ve specified in the request body may be well-formed, but it does not match the cloud address in the URI.
412 Precondition Failed
You’ve specified the If-Match header but the entity version numbers do not match.
503 Service Unavailable

Resetting a cloud address password

If you have previously retrieved this cloud address, you can use the If-Match header to make sure it’s not been modified since.

HTTP request

Usage example
curl https://api.vnc.com/cloud/1.1/static-address/ztgDAEjLLP4yHwHrdz9.ztgPXJMFsk1NiEGpbAx.livEXXxXXSrGS1urBF5.FCRPRHbrZPyfmS6Nt4M
-u <API-key>:<API-secret>
-H 'If-Match:"<entity-version-number>"'
-H "Accept:application/json"

HTTP response


A JSON-encoded object with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
cloudAddress string The identifier for the cloud address.
cloudPassword string The password for the cloud address.
Content example

HTTP status codes

A successful call returns 200 OK. An unsuccessful call returns either:

400 Bad Request

Note that particular bad requests additionally return a JSON-encoded object with errorCode set to one of the following codes, and errorMessage set to the associated description:

Code Description
1002 The content type your user agent is expecting for the response body is something other than application/json.
1007 The cloud address you’ve specified in the URI is not well-formed.
401 Unauthorized
You’ve either not provided a VNC Cloud API key, or the one you have provided is not in our system.
403 Forbidden
Your VNC Cloud API key is not well-formed.
404 Not Found
412 Precondition Failed
You’ve specified the If-Match header but the entity version numbers do not match.
503 Service Unavailable

Deleting a cloud address

If you have previously retrieved this cloud address, you can use the If-Match header to make sure it’s not been modified since.

HTTP request

Usage example
curl https://api.vnc.com/cloud/1.1/static-address/ztgDAEjLLP4yHwHrdz9.ztgPXJMFsk1NiEGpbAx.livEXXxXXSrGS1urBF5.FCRPRHbrZPyfmS6Nt4M
-u <API-key>:<API-secret>
-H 'If-Match:"<entity-version-number>"'

HTTP response

There is no response body.

HTTP status codes

A successful call returns 204 No Content. An unsuccessful call returns either:

400 Bad Request

Particular bad requests return a JSON-encoded object with errorCode set to one of the following codes, and errorMessage set to the associated description:

Code Description
1007 The cloud address you’ve specified in the URI is not well-formed.
401 Unauthorized
You’ve either not provided a VNC Cloud API key, or the one you have provided is not in our system.
403 Forbidden
Your VNC Cloud API key is not well-formed.
404 Not Found
412 Precondition Failed
You’ve specified the If-Match header but the entity version numbers do not match.
503 Service Unavailable